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Playgrounds & The Hospitality Sector | Part 3: Attracting Families

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How An Outdoor Play Area Boosts Family-Friendly Branding

According to City Am, ‘In 2022, after the UK emerged from the pandemic, 32 pubs were lost on average each month… These local watering holes reportedly face being demolished or converted into offices, homes and even day nurseries’.

The fact that some venues are being replaced with nurseries is poignant, as a part of the major shift in consumer demand is for more child-friendly spaces.

‘While rising prices will make it more difficult to splash out, there is significant pent-up demand from parents and families to enjoy new experiences and make up for ‘lost fun’ together’ reveals Marketing To Parents, a report by Mintel.

‘Travel and leisure brands can provide the space for families to enjoy themselves and celebrate the increased sense of closeness that many families have felt as they have spent more time together in recent years’.

Family being served by a waitress indoors Family enjoying a meal sat outside


Benefits Of A Playground – Attracts Families, Encourages Stay Duration And Repeat Visits

Advertises Venue As Family-Friendly Brand

Setting up a playground on the grounds of an establishment sends a clear signal that family is a priority to the business. Many of our customers say that a playground acts as an advert stating ‘children welcome’ and has increased their attendance.

Increases Stay Time

67% of our customers said the duration of families remaining at a venue is much longer now that they have an outdoor play area.


85% of customers said they had seen an increase in reviews, recommendations and social media engagements since the installation of a playground. No one blabs more than parents trying to fill awkward silences while waiting at the school entrance, and there’s nothing they like to talk more about than the best places to take their children.


Repeat Visits:

Visitor Attractions

Our customers have reported increased repeat visits since the installation of a playground – the opportunity for children to play on their own, even at sites that feature large spectacles, makes the day even more memorable, prompting a desire to talk about it, and return.

Holiday Parks

A play area helps create a sense of community amongst children and parents at holiday parks, offering opportunities for socialising with new people and increasing the enjoyment of the holiday, which encourages the idea that they should return to the same place the following year.


Parents who regularly take their children to a child-friendly venue tend to make it their local, even when the kids aren’t around. 71% of our customers reported a sense of community developing around their play areas.

Mother, father and daughter son a swing outdoors Father and his girls hanging around by a slide in the park

Benefits Of A Playground – What The Hospitality Sector Says

On family branding: ‘It has enhanced the park and created a wonderful area for our guests’ children to enjoy their holiday with us’ – Auchenlarie Holiday Park

On attracting more families: ‘I think you need to offer something to keep the children entertained. For us it was a big investment at the time, but during summer the play equipment is always busy’ – The Hinton Arms

On extra visitors: ‘We have always had families come, but we have seen an increased number since the install’ – The Bulls Head

On increased stay duration: ‘Customers stay that extra amount of time knowing that the playground is providing a positive experience for their children’ – Rhyl Rugby Club

On word-of-mouth: ‘The parents are more at ease because the children have something to do, and they tell their friends’ – Pant Du

On repeat custom: ‘More campers with children booking, and more returning customers’ – Barcdy Caravan Park

On returning guests: ‘Majority of our customers are repeat guests and always keen to comment on the new additions each season and the excellent state of repair of the existing areas’ – Auchenlarie Holiday Park

On children: ‘The children want to come back because they love the play area’ – Pant Du


Speaking to the makers of the Marketing To Parents report, Retail Sector Research Analyst Francesca Smith explained that ‘having spent far less money and time on leisure and travel over the past two years, there will now be a willingness from parents to create new memories and enjoy time together as a family outside of the home’.

‘Travel and leisure brands should be providing the space for families to enjoy themselves in a post-COVID world and celebrate the increased sense of closeness among families’.

The conclusions of the report are mirrored in findings by Catering Insight, who claim that ‘drinking will no longer be the main attraction on a night out. Creative or themed… flexible venues are flagged as the way forward’.

‘37% also want to visit venues which cater for the whole family, not just night-time drinking. In future we can anticipate Brits to be less likely to bar hop, with 42% of those asked preferring to stay in one venue and using their nights out to spend more quality time with friends and family’.

Kids holding hands with their parents running out on the grass Young child in garish shirt popping out of a yellow tube slide with his arms out in celebration

Benefits Of A Playground – Meets Increasing Demand Pressures From Parents

Improves Child Health

Parents are saying that they want to pick up the slack of their children’s creative and physical education that was missing during the pandemic.

Creates Memories

After having spent so much time together during lockdown, families have grown more accustomed to being together, with many saying their primary intention for days out is to spend quality time creating memories.

Better Holiday Experience

Unmanned outdoor attractions at holiday parks give children something to do early in the morning, allowing the parents an overall more relaxed experience.

More Special Events

A third of our customers report an immediate increase in birthday parties and other special events after the addition of a playground.

Snack Sales Increase

43% of venues say they experience an increase in sales of child-friendly snacks after installing Creative Play outdoor equipment.


Benefits Of A Playground – What The Hospitality Sector Says

On guests’ enjoyment: ’All guests are loving the new play area and we are getting great feedback!’ – Shell Island

On bookings: ’More families are booking weddings, christenings and birthdays as they see the playground as an extra facility that can provide hours of free play for their young children. We are now fully booked with functions until Christmas’ – Rhyl Rugby Club

On selling more: ‘Increased children’s meals on the menu’ – Pant Du

On sweet, sweet sales: ‘We sell more ice-creams’ – Boston Park Farm

On selling more child-friendly snacks: ‘We have a children’s menu on offer and have found that the snacks from this, including ice creams in the summer, have increased massively. Due to this demand, we have had to identify different ways of offering even more child-friendly snacks to accommodate families’ – Rhy Rugby Club


The Marketing To Parents Report from Mintel reveals that ‘36% of parents say eating healthily and exercising are higher priorities now than before the pandemic. Just 27% of children are engaging in exercise or sport in their free time’, which provides a great opportunity for visitor attractions, holiday parks and pubs to deliver an answer to parents’ prayers for healthier kids.

‘Whether acting as a space for a community meeting centre, a hub for parents to meet up for coffee, or offering a working space away from home’ says Catering Insight, ‘71% of customers are expecting pubs to adapt to different needs across the week’.

While such a statistic may be slightly off topic for others in the hospitality sector such as visitor attractions and holiday parks, the strong message it sends about the industry needing to diversify is still highly relevant, particularly during a cost-of-living crisis.


Interested in how a playground can benefit your hospitality business?

Discover How An Outdoor Play Area Attracts Customers During A Cost-Of-Living Crisis

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