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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates

We are open for business as normal and we are continuing to provide the best service to our customers under the circumstances we are facing. As each day is different, you can check back here for any updates!

Coloured Bar

Thursday 9th April 2020


We are still here and continuing to follow government guidelines by working from home.

As soon as the current lock down is over, we will be back to normal as soon as possible.

We hope you are all staying home where possible and staying safe overall.

In the meantime, we have created a number of home learning resources that are fun and will keep children entertained for a little while ?

Feel free to download: (they are free after all)

Keep safe <3

Tuesday 24th March 2020

All of our awesome Installation and Production teams are going home for their safety and that of others, as instructed by the government.

Our Sales, Marketing and Design teams continue to work from home and are available on the usual contact methods.

Please give us a call we’re lonely!

We can still carry out virtual consultations (via phone, email or video call), design amazing playgrounds and quote for your requirements.

Stay safe everyone.


#staypositive #covid19 #workingfromhome #openforbusiness