Did you know that only 21% of boys and 16% of girls aged 5-15 achieve the recommended levels of daily physical activity?
SOURCE: Health Survey for England 2012
Despite physical active playing a key role in brain development in children, as well as improved physical, emotional and social well-being, many schools today are still struggling to incorporate sports and fitness opportunities onto their sites.
However help is at hand as through various avenues, such as the newly introduced sugar tax, schools can now receive funding for the provision of additional sports and fitness opportunities – known as PE and Sports Premium.
About PE & Sports Premium
PE and Sports Premium funding is received by the majority of schools with primary-age pupils. Funding amounts differ depending on the number pupils in years 1 to 6- however in cases where schools do not follow year groups, such as some special schools, pupils aged from 5 to 10 attract the funding.
Schools must use their funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE and sport they offer.
• Develop or add to the PE and sport activities that your school already offers.
• Make improvements now that will benefit pupils joining the school in the future.
Click here to find out more about PE & Sports Premium
About our 12 Key Activities
Taken from the National Curriculum for Physical Education, we have summarised all skills and processes that need to be mastered by the end of Key Stage 2 into 12 key activities. When our specialist in-house design team created the four sports and fitness package below, we wanted to be certain that all 12 key activities were included.
Click here to find read more in-depth about our 12 Key Activities
Package 1: TARGET £8,283 exc VAT
Designed to inject some more colour as well as more sports opportunities to your existing court area, our TARGET panels cover a wide range of sports. From Cricket to Basket Ball, Tennis to Football, there is something to suit everyone.
Package includes: Football Shape, Goal Trainer, *NEW* Basket Ball and Target- Senior, Tennis, Batsman with Mesh Panel
Package 2: Trim Trail £3,937 exc VAT
Ideal for promoting physical activity in the playground, our trim trail items are always a hit! Featuring classics such as our Hurdles, Chin-Up Bars and Balance Beam, children can work on perfecting a number of key skills. A Solar Stop Watch is also included so you can time your friends to see who is the quickest!
*NOTE: Package price reflects only one unit of each item
Package includes: Chin-Ups, Ramp Jump, Balance Beam, Parallel Bars, Sit-Ups, Hurdles, *NEW* Solar Stop Watch
Package 3: Court £8,165 exc VAT
A complete sports court area, our Court Package has everything you need to play a wide variety of court sports. A great school resource, use this package for PE lessons, break times or even after school clubs!
Package includes: Timber Combi Goal (x2), Timber Kickboard w/ Trim (x4), Multi-Court, Stretch Spot (x4)
Package 4: Combo £10,050 exc VAT
Cover all 12 key activities with our ultimate Combo Package. Combining an impressive trim trail circuit, with favourites such as our A-Frame Double Net and Ramp Jump, along with our popular Multi Court and numerous other playground markings, this package will definitely encourage your pupils to stay active!
Package includes: Timber Combi Goal (x2), Ball Catcher, Multi Court, Hop Spot, Jump Spot, Skip Spot, Sit-Ups, Hurdles, A-Frame Double Net, Balance Beam, Chin-Ups