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The Top 10 Most Creative Playground Equipment

Coloured Bar

For many, the planning of playground only involves the integration of equipment that encourages physical activities, monkey bars, traverse walls, climbing frames, and jungle climbers are the popular types of equipment that are often considered. However, for a child’s development to be complete, mental and imaginative activities are just as important as physical activities.

Creativity, they say, is the mother of invention. As children grow, they become more curious and want to explore the environment around them. Providing these curious children with the appropriate creative equipment allows them to develop hand to eyes coordination, it also helps the children to develop early social skills.

This article will discuss the top 10 most creative playground equipment you should consider as you map out your children’s playground.

Activity Playboards

Activity playboards as small wooden boards designed to encourage children to undergo mental exercises that will help improve their brain power.

There are different types of activity playboards designed for children of different age groups; therefore, before you purchase an activity playboard, you should talk to a professional to understand the type of playboard suitable for your playground.

Examples of available activity playboards include the Abacus board, Alphabet slider, bubble viewing board, chalkboard, sudoku board and many more.

Playtown Activity Panels

Playtown activity panels are city-themed wooden panels designed to introduce children to various city structures and how they work.

These activity panels feature various prompts peculiar to each structure. For example, the bank play town panel is provided with prompts such as plastic ATMs, bank safes, and counters, while the doctors play town panel features prompts such as plastic medicine trolleys and an eye test chart.

Other play-town activity channels available include the café play town panel, fire station playtown panel, taxi play-town panel, and the police station playtown panel.

Mini Castles

The Mini Castle is a piece of exciting, medieval-themed playground equipment where children can explore their imagination and interact with their peers. The mini castle also features a traverse climbing wall to promote physical play and games.

This mini castle is made of chrome and arsenic-free timber and can last for more than 20 years.

Music Playboards

Music playboards are wooded boards incorporated with musical instruments. These Playboards help children to understand how various musical equipment work while having fun. Children can learn how to around with sounds to create music.

Examples of musical instruments available on playboards include the bass guitar, pipes, cogs, chimes, and bells.

Sand Box

It is a well-known fact that children love playing with sand. The sandbox is a playground equipment designed to provide children with a controlled area where they can manipulate sand and explore their creativity without the risk of any danger.

The sandbox is a very colourful box that should be in any playground environment; it features a robust sliding lid that can be used to cover the box when it is not in use. To improve the experience, the sandbox should be provided with plastic shovels, wheelbarrows and bowls.

Messy Play Table

The Messy Play Table is specially designed to introduce young children to the kitchen environment. The messy play table features a mounted chalkboard, two sinks, a utensil rod and a storage shelf.

The messy play table allows children to use their natural curiosity as they get familiar with various kitchen activities.

Bug Hotel

The bug hotel is a unique playground equipment designed to provide children with a safe environment where they can interact with insects and small bugs.

This playground equipment features a doublesided design; it also contains a lot of holes where cute insects like the butterfly can thrive.

Grow House

The grow house is an amazing playground equipment you can integrate into your playground to introduce children to plants and nature. Children can practice school science projects by looking after delicate plants and seedings without the need for a large and expensive greenhouse.


The Baltic is a creative water playground equipment designed to allow children to explore water flow by creating various routes for the water to flow from one end to the other.

The Baltic is named after the famous enclosed Baltic bay in northern Europe; it can be installed as a standalone show or incorporated into a larger playground project.


Baffin is a sand and water play station named after the Baffin Bay, located between Canada and Greenland. This playground equipment allows children to explore their sensory skills by acting as captains and building sand castles on a safe platform.

The Baffin Playground equipment allows children to develop sophisticated motor skills and amazing hand-eye coordination.


You can never go wrong with trying to create an all-inclusive playground either at school or in the community. It is super important to get the right school playground equipment to ensure that effective social interaction is achieved and everyone goes home happy.

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