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The Importance of Physical Education in Early Years

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Importance Of Physical Play

There are many advantages to incorporating physical education and physical play into children’s early years.

The first six years of a child’s life are especially crucial for his or her growth and development, therefore it is advised that parents, guardians, and instructors find methods to encourage growth and development, in order to set them up for the rest of their lives.

Encourage Children To Learn through Physical Education

One great way of achieving physical development is through physical education.

Playground equipment may assist children a lot, but finding the correct PE equipment for primary schools goes a long way in making physical education easier.

There have been many calls for children to participate in good physical education starting at a young age.

If you’re wondering what the purpose of physical education is, consider the following examples to show how vital it is for youngsters and the health benefits of physical activity, when they’re young.

Fine Motor Skills & Gross Motor Skills

One of the most important things that physical education does well is assisting kids in developing and improving their motor skills.

Consider all of the running and climbing that children love to participate in. Children can enhance their balance and coordination while also gaining positive mobility benefits!

Physical education promotes the development of fundamental motor skills, such as learning how to throw, catch, skip, and kick.

Here at Creative Play, we have fantastic outdoor sports equipment that will assist with the development of each child.

We provide a comprehensive selection of school playground equipment, suitable for early years children right the way through adults.

Benefits of Physical Education

Having strong muscles and bones is a great benefit to anyone, especially young children, since they are often involved in many daring and challenging activities.

When engaging in activities such as pulling, pushing, climbing and jumping, physical education and physical play, has been proven to greatly benefit the growth of strong muscles and bones.

Schools and nurseries that introduce appropriate outdoor gym equipment to their playgrounds, allow children to strengthen bone health and muscular development, at a crucial age.

Mental Wellbeing

One of the major advantages of physical education and physical play, is that it can help to improve both physical and mental health in children.

Each child that participates in regular physical education has a far greater chance of having better physical health than those who do not.

For children who are exposed to a variety of physical play and physical activity at an increasing level of intensity, will help to improve their mental wellbeing.

Children who spend less time participating in physical play and play that involves physical movements, may see an increased risk in both physical and mental health problems.

Both physical play and physical activity helps to reduce the risk of developing obesity, heart disease, stroke, cancer, type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. It can also help to reduce anxiety and depression, and improve sleep patterns.

Physical Play

In order to encourage children to be physically active, it is important to provide them with opportunities to be active, in a variety of different ways.

This might include playing games, participating in sports, dancing, or using playground equipment.

It is also important to make sure that children have access to safe and appropriate equipment so that they can participate in physical activity without being injured.

Cognitive Development

Children who receive regular physical education from a young age are better positioned in many aspects of their lives.

Physical education with various PE equipment for primary schools allows kids to learn how to deal with various problems in their life, which can assist with confidence, self-esteem and resilience.

The majority of the kids’ outdoor sports equipment available from Creative Play, are also intended to aid in the improvement of social competence.

Children who play with seesaws, swing-sets, jig-saw play towers and other items, have the chance to interact and cooperate as a team to achieve certain play goals.

Such engagement not only enhances social interactions but also language proficiency, providing an entertaining and educational experience in one package.

Self Confidence

It’s certain that many children develop their skills very early in life.

Physical exercise and physical play allows each child to discover and enhance some of their abilities during this crucial time.

If followed correctly, many of these kids will continue to be active in such pursuits into adulthood, providing them with a passion for sports activities.

It should also be mentioned that excellent children’s gym equipment and PE equipment for primary schools is highly beneficial in promoting physical education.

At Creative Play UK, we provide a large range of primary sports equipment to utilise in playgrounds. We have almost 25 years of experience providing high-quality goods for physical education throughout the United Kingdom.

Good To Know

There is an increase in cases of cardiovascular health issues among children nowadays, so to curb this, the NHS and WHO recommend at least an hour of moderate to vigorous physical activity every day for children.

There is scientific proof that physical activity minimises obesity in children too. This can all be achieved through physical education with the right primary sports equipment.

Consider also that mental and physical education has the potential to greatly boost children’s memories, as well as improving their concentration.

Children are always learning, even in those early years, so having physical education is very important to facilitate their learning.

Such opportunities can increase the chance of academic benefits. In many cases, these children can become great at problem solving, thanks to their improved creativity.


You can not underestimate the importance of physical play, active play and physical movements including vigorous intensity physical activity and the key benefits they each have, to a child’s health and well being.

Physical activities such as skipping, running or even climbing trees, helps to keep children physically active, helps them to maintain a healthy weight and reduces the possibility of health conditions such as obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure.

Daily exercise has numerous health benefits and should be a priority for every child.

Contact Us

Our deep understanding of the importance of physical play and the health benefits it can have on each child, helps us to design playground equipment that is suitable for children of all ages and abilities.

To find out more about our range of physical play activities, benefits of play or ways in which to promote and encourage physical development in your school environment, please feel free to contact us via phone or complete the online enquiry form below.

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