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#GotItCovered – Be Sun Safe in the Playground with Creative Play

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It is that time of the year again where the sunshine comes out and we start going out!

During the winter months, sitting out in the garden is the last thing we want to be doing, equally during play times children don’t want to be sat in the rain but out enjoying the fresh air when the sun is shining – which is great!!


With the sunshine and time outdoors comes things we need to consider…

  1. Sun Protection has always been around and is always something we should think about when children are playing outdoors. It doesn’t even have to be sun beaming to think about how we are going to protect children, all throughout the summer months, action needs to be taken.
  2. Outdoor Facilities to ensure children have a safe place to enjoy the sunshine. This can be done by providing shaded areas and ensuring full exposure to the sun isn’t presented.

These are just 2 points, over the next coming months we are launching our #GotItCovered campaign and we going to be looking at how we can ensure we are providing the best environments for children in schools during the summer months and how we can make the most of absorbing the best source of vitamin D!